Make your plans now for Eureka Springs’ Summer Diversity Weekend

The South Central region’s number one LGBTQ destination has long been Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The small resort city, located in the Ozarks, has a large LGBTQ and LGBTQ friendly population. In fact, they are so friendly that only one Pride celebration won’t do. They have three a year, called ‘Diversity Weekends.’ This year’s Summer Diversity Weekend is August 5-7.
Eureka has a thriving arts community with many galleries, great accommodations, clubs, bars and restaurants. Past Diversity Weekends have included live music at some of the city's hottest nightspots, a hotel pool party, karaoke, a G-rated Public Display of Affection in Basin Spring Park downtown and assorted DJ dance parties.
Eureka’s other claim to fame has long been as a great place to get married, celebrate, and have your Honeymoon. The folks there want to help you get married too. Eureka Springs hosted the first legal same-sex marriages in Arkansas, and they’d be happy to host yours.
There are plenty of wedding venues, wedding service providers, and accommodations ranging from B&B’s to grand old resort hotels that would be happy to help you get hitched at this year’s Summer Diversity Weekend. A comprehensive list of wedding related businesses is available at
Every evening during the upcoming Summer weekend, there will be live music and dancing at several of the local bars and restaurants. Past events have included a traditional ‘Public Display of Affection’ at Basin Spring Park, parties, parades, and more. Practically every business and every resident of Eureka joins in the fun with their hundreds of guests from out of town.
This year’s weekend coincides with the Eureka Springs Indie Film Fest, so if you get tired of partying, dancing the night away, or shopping, you can take in some flicks.
Year after year without fail, these Spring, Summer and Fall celebrations pack the hotels, restaurants and nightspots by offering a wide variety of entertainment, amusement and diversion: Live music (from Newgrass to mellow jazz), DJ re-mix dance-til-you-drop parties, glam drag shows, pool parties, concerts, costume contests and special events.
There are dozens of LGBT-owned and friendly accommodations available, including B&Bs, resorts, boutique hotels, cabins, and more. If you are planning to attend the Summer weekend in August, now is the time to make reservations for lodging. Visit to get information on accommodations, as well as activities in the area, events, and dining. Diversity Weekends in Eureka Springs are always fun. Plan to attend the Summer or Fall weekend. You’ll be glad you did!
If Summer weekend doesn’t work for you, the Fall weekend this year is November 4-6.
The Gayly – July 13, 2016 @ 7:45 a.m.