North Carolina start-up founder Jesse Lispon speaks on LGBT equality at DNC

AP photo by J. Scott Applewhite

by Sara Ritsch and Lauren Dow

Jesse Lipson of Raleigh, N.C., spoke Monday at the Democratic National Convention, first asking the audience “where is this losing country [Trump] keeps talking about? The America I live in, the North Carolina I live in, is a creative engine where the innovative spirit is alive and well.”

Lipson continued, telling the audience of the importance of start-ups and small businesses like ShareFile, the business he started with just 100, in a growing economy. As a business man, Jesse Lipson reminds Trump that “nothing scares away investment like hate." Lipson’s remarks come in response to the discriminatory House Bill 2 of North Carolina, which passed this year, limiting transgender rights in the state. Due to HB2, Paypal, the NBA All-Star Game, and valuable workers moved out of North Carolina.

Lipson went on to say “Republicans may think they’re telling people which bathroom to go into, but they’re actually telling people which market to stay out of," explaining that such legislation does not grow our economic market—in fact, it does the opposite.

Lipson said “Bigotry hurts our entire country…In Indiana Mike Pence approved discrimination against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans, so I guess you could say bigotry has created one job—the position of Donald Trump’s running mate.”

Hillary Clinton knows what every CEO knows, we’re stronger together. Providing opportunities for all “no matter who they love or who they are” by implementing federal protections for the LGBT community, research and development, and real solutions for equality in America. He ended his speech by calling voters to action--telling voters that Clinton "must" be the next President of the United States. A video focusing solely on LGBT equality played after his speech.

“We have to stand together, be proud together, there is no better way rebuke to terrorists and all those who hate,” says the voice of Hillary Clinton.
“I think about all those worries large and small that same sex parents think about every day…I am proud to be fighting right alongside you.”


Copyright The Gayly - 7/25/2016 @ 8:05 p.m. CDT