Newton Catholic church calls upon church-goers to apologize to LGBT community
Sarah Boone
Journalism Intern
A Catholic Church in Newton, Australia is one of the world’s first churches to apologize to LGBT people for the judgment that some Catholic and Christian people and their churches have conveyed.
In June, Pope Francis requested for his fellow God-believers to give an apology to LGBT people. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Newtown became one of the first to respond holding a Liturgy of Apology organized by the Rainbow Catholic Interagency for Ministry on Friday.
“It was difficult to choose which personal stories to share during the liturgy; each individual’s story is so powerful, unique and precious,” Catholic organizer Francis Voon said.
“As organizers, we wanted to make sure the event was ethical, respectful and safe for all. There are so many heartbreaking stories of our LGBTIQ siblings.
“Some have been badly hurt by us as a church community. Others we have failed completely, to the point of suicide, because of prejudice, ignorance and fear, and worse still, in God’s name.
“Tonight, with Pope Francis’ encouragement, in the name of God, we apologize for religious LGBTIQ-phobia, and we pledge to work towards healing and reconciliation in this Year of Mercy.”
One of the stories shared at the liturgy of apology was of a gay man who attempted suicide after he was forced to endure gay conversion programs promoted by the church.
The Liturgy of Apology included a symbolic Well of Tears that the attendees could interact with.
“It was a powerful and raw moment of letting go and of forgiveness” said an attendee.
“I came tonight with trepidation and deep reservation having not been to church for over 20 over years, having been deeply hurt by homophobic actions and words of Catholic church leaders.
“I feel hope and peace that there are many ordinary and good Catholic people working hard to hold the church accountable for the violence they have inflicted on LGBTIQ people, including LGBTIQ Catholics here and elsewhere”.
According to Star Observer, “Dignitaries from various Catholic parishes and other faith communities attended the event to hear St. Joseph’s parish priest Father Peter Maher issue the apology to the LGBTI community.”
“I couldn’t believe the diversity of communities leaders who are here this evening for this historical ceremony, and the fact that Christian leaders actually came up to us and other LGBTIQ folks saying how sorry they are for the way by which the church has in the past and some parts that still lend support to those who wish to vilify and hurt LGBTIQ people,” Benjamin Oh, Chair of the Rainbow Catholics InterAgency for Ministry said.
Melody Gardiner from Australian Catholics for Equality said “Saying sorry is a good start. There are thousands of LGBTIQ people and families in our parishes and many more who no longer feel they belong or are welcome. The majority of Australian Catholics support and celebrate LGBTIQ people, we are their families and friends.
“Some church leaders don’t care to hear our stories, let alone ask for forgiveness for what they have done to us. Tonight is the beginning of new possibilities for our Catholic and Christian communities here in Sydney and across Australia.
Rainbow Christians globally are watching and we hope to see other Churches and communities follow the example Liturgy of Apology we have seen tonight.”
Copyright 2016 The Gayly
The Gayly - 8/15/2016 @ 1:52 p.m. CDT