Sen. Floyd named Democratic Caucus chair
State Sen. Kay Floyd has been named Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus. Floyd, D-Oklahoma City, will organize caucus meetings aimed at providing in-depth information and discussion about legislative priorities and strategies during the legislative session and throughout the rest of the year as well.
“Whiles ours is the minority caucus, it’s extremely important to remember that whether a senator is in the majority or minority party, each of us represents about 78 thousand citizens—our constituents have a right to have their views represented with a strong voice in the Oklahoma State Senate,” Floyd said. “The Senate Democratic caucus will continue to work to be that voice and to fight for legislation that seeks to do the greatest good for the greatest number of citizens possible.”
In addition to her leadership responsibilities, Floyd will serve on several key committees for the next two legislative sessions, including the full Senate Appropriations Committee; the Appropriations Subcommittee on Human Services; the Appropriations Subcommittee on Public Safety and Judiciary; Energy; General Government; Health and Human Services; Judiciary; and Rules.
“Looking ahead at the upcoming session, I think much of what will or won’t happen will be driven by the budget. Once again, we are looking at a staggering shortfall. I agree with those who say we cannot cut our way out of this budget hole,” Floyd said. “We cannot create better paying jobs and improve the quality of life in our state by continuing to cut the core services that make those things possible. It’s going to be a big challenge, but we stand ready to work with those who want to pursue positive solutions that don’t balance the budget on the backs of our most vulnerable or by reducing the services citizens in every community of this state depend upon.”
Copyright 2017 The Gayly – January 11, 2017 @ 7:50 a.m.