Sen. Shortey charged with three felonies

Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey was charged Thursday morning with three felony counts by the Cleveland County District Attorney’s office.
The felonies are related to his being caught in a Super 8 motel room with a teenage boy early on March 9.
The charges filed by the District Attorney:
• Engaging in child prostitution “by knowingly engaging or soliciting a person under (18) years of age to commit an act of prostitution. The teenage boy is reported to be 17 years old by several news outlets.
• Engaging in prostitution within 1,000 feet of a church. The First Christian Church in Moore is within 1,000 feet of the Super 8 motel.
• Transporting a minor for prostitution / lewdness. The police report released by the Moore Police Department on Wednesday indicated that the adult male (later confirmed to be Shortey) said he picked the boy up. That was corroborated by the boy’s girlfriend, according to the police report.
News about Sen. Shortey being found in a motel room with a teenage boy broke late Tuesday. On Wednesday, the Oklahoma State Senate suspended all of the rights Shortey has as a Senator, effectively suspending him from his position, although he apparently could attend sessions and vote.
The Senate reserved the right for further punishment, including expulsion from the Senate.
Moore police released a heavily redacted incident report on Thursday afternoon. You can read The Gayly’s summary of the report, and see a copy of the actual report here.
Sen. Shortey has not yet made any comments to the press since news of the March 9 incident was reported.
Here is the charge document issued Thursday by the Cleveland County District Attorney’s office.
Copyright 2017 The Gayly – March 16, 2017 @ 11 a.m.