Trump skips LGBT+ Pride month proclamation

Despite saying he “supports” LGBT people during the campaign, including once displaying a rainbow flag, although upside down, President Donald Trump has apparently decided not to issue an LGBT Pride month proclamation.
President Barack Obama issued such a proclamation every June during his presidency. President Bill Clinton issued one the last two years of his.
President Obama’s last Pride proclamation says in part, “Since our founding, America has advanced on an unending path toward becoming a more perfect Union. This journey, led by forward-thinking individuals who have set their sights on reaching for a brighter tomorrow, has never been easy or smooth. The fight for dignity and equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people is reflected in the tireless dedication of advocates and allies who strive to forge a more inclusive society.
“They have spurred sweeping progress by changing hearts and minds and by demanding equal treatment — under our laws, from our courts, and in our politics. This month, we recognize all they have done to bring us to this point, and we recommit to bending the arc of our Nation toward justice.”
Obama concluded, saying, “There remains much work to do to extend the promise of our country to every American, but because of the acts of courage of the millions who came out and spoke out to demand justice and of those who quietly toiled and pushed for progress, our Nation has made great strides in recognizing what these brave individuals long knew to be true in their hearts — that love is love and that no person should be judged by anything but the content of their character.”
President Trump, who has rescinded protections for LGBT people since his inauguration, said grudgingly during the campaign that he supported LGBT people. He has, however, surrounded himself with people who have long-time anti- LGBT views. This includes among others, Vice President Mike Pence, HHS Secretary Tom Price and HUD Secretary Ben Carson.
Instead of proclaiming June as LGBT Pride month, Trump instead proclaimed June as National Homeownership Month, African-American Music Appreciation Month, National Caribbean-American Heritage Month, and, ironically on the day before withdrawing the United States from the Paris Climate Accord, also proclaimed June as National Ocean Month and Great Outdoors Month.
Democratic party leaders did, however, issue their own proclamations. DNC Chair Tom Perez said, “From Stonewall to the Supreme Court, our nation has made great strides in LGBTQ rights. LGBTQ Pride Month is an opportunity to celebrate that progress, to appreciate the cultural achievements of LGBTQ Americans, and to recommit ourselves to the fight for global LGBTQ equality.” You can read his entire proclamation at
House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi said, “As we mark LGBT Pride Month, we honor the LGBT leaders who have striven to build a more just society for all, and recognize the struggles and sacrifices they have endured in the fight for equality. This month, we celebrate their triumphs and remember that our Founders’ creed – that all are created equal – is not inevitable; that we must work every day to forge a more just, inclusive and perfect union.”
Pelosi also managed to get in a dig at Trump and the GOP led Congress about their refusal to even consider the recently reintroduced Equality Act. Pelosi said, “LGBT Americans face an assault on their rights from the White House and House Republicans, who are gutting HIV prevention and treatment initiatives, dismantling protections for transgender children in public schools and conspiring to render LGBT Americans invisible in the census. These hateful, discriminatory attacks dishonor our nation’s most sacred ideals of liberty and make passage of the Equality Act – which would bring the full force of the Civil Rights Act to secure equality for LGBT people – even more urgent.” said, in an article noting Trump’s refusal to issue a Pride Month proclamation, “Trump’s unwillingness to honor the LGBTQ community during Pride Month shows that once again his promises during the campaign season to be an ally were hollow words meant to get him elected.
“While some in the LGBTQ community continue to stand behind him, by the looks of his sagging poll numbers, Trump is becoming less popular as the days go by as reality tests all those pretty words he spoke out on the campaign trail.
“Next time you see him hoist the Pride flag, remember this moment when he, yet again, showed he is no friend to our community.”
Watch for continued coverage of LGBT+ Pride Month activities, and the continued fight for equal rights, in The Gaylyprint edition, and in daily coverage at
Copyright 2017 The Gayly – June 2, 2017 @ 7:20 a.m.