NC Pride organizers apologize over Yom Kippur conflict

DURHAM, N.C. (AP) — NC Pride organizers are asking for forgiveness after scheduling their annual parade and festival on Sept. 30 — the same day as the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur.
Media outlets report the LGBT group has held the festival on the last Saturday of September for the past 17 years, but this year thousands of people won't be able to participate because of the conflict.
Yum Kippur, the Jewish Day of Atonement, is one of the Jewish community's holiest days of the year.
NC Pride organizers, who are all volunteers, say they're devastated about the timing. They posted a note on the event website asking for forgiveness and saying they look forward to their Jewish friends participating in future years.
The Jewish Federation is now looking to coordinate a separate pride event in October.
Copyright Associated Press. The Gayly - 7/5/2017 @ 4:18 p.m. CST