So why do you “go to the gym”?
by Christopher B. Robrahn
Fitness Contributor
For many of us who are dedicated to our personal fitness, “going to the gym” seems a pretty standard part of the day’s activities. It really means more than “I’m going to exercise”. That simple phrase can mean “I’m taking care of myself” or “my health is important”.
So why do you go?
The reality is, to maintain great fitness, you don’t have to “go”, but rather have some method of getting exercise on a daily basis. It can be from running, swimming, home exercise, hiking or a hundred other ways, even surfing, which I am determined I want to try.
The point here is, before you “go to the gym” or take up any exercise program, you should have some objective, along with a strategy. What do you really want to gain from this experience?
If you want to improve your fitness and health, it should be measurable and attainable; not vague. If you want to vastly reshape your body through weight reduction, are you willing to invest the time and energy to make it happen?
If your work and time doesn’t allow for this kind of commitment, you need to reassess. Too many people start exercising with vague objectives like, “I want to feel better” or “I just need to lose a little weight”. Check back 60 days later and they probably have already moved on.
People who are successful with their fitness do it for a reason and are ready to commit to a strategy for success. They make it a part of their daily lifestyle as an essential. As they work toward their goals, they are able to measure their success and it is attainable based on the time and effort they can commit. When they reach their goals, they celebrate.
Imagine the level of confidence and self-esteem generated.
The reality is, you don’t need a gym, it isn’t a requirement. Yeah, I enjoy being fit and committed to my time with fitness, but for many people, it just isn’t possible for a whole variety of reasons.
You are a unique and talented person. If you are new to exercise, start with your objective, work it on your terms and realize the thrill of achievement.
Copyright The Gayly – September 14, 2017 @ 12 p.m. CDT.