Wichita observes Sexual Assault Awareness Month in April

Change the Rules! Everyone Deserves to Feel Safe
(Wichita) In 2012 local hospitals assisted 354 people in Sedgwick County who sought medical services related to sexual assaults; for some sort of sexual activity that they did not consent to have. Call it rape, criminal sodomy, sexual battery, incest, molestation or by some other name, it is all unwanted and it impacts people’s lives.
According to the Kansas Bureau of Investigation, one rape is reported every seven hours and 24 minutes in Kansas, and the perpetrator knows the victim 78 percent of the time. Research tells us that sexual assaults are one of the most underreported crimes, that only 1 in 7 ever report, meaning as many as 2,200 females and males were hurt last year in Sedgwick County. Often, when a person tells of a sexual violation a rash of blaming questions follow: “Did you say no?” “Why were you with that person?” “Why were you out that time of night?” Family and friends are searching for what “rules” of behavior were not followed, thinking that if all the “rules” were followed then the assault would not have happened. Quickly it becomes the fault of the person victimized for breaking some “rule.”
These “rules” must change. Perpetrator must be held to new rules of behavior – and held to those rules by our community and by their friends. The new rules must include “Don’t Rape Anyone!” To that end, “Change the Rules! Everyone Deserves to Feel Safe” becomes the call for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.
The activities for the month started with a Take Back the Night rally on Friday, in Old Town Wichita. This has been the signature event for the past 26 years. Survivors of sexual assault, rape, and sexual abuse, their supporters, friends and loved ones, advocates and allies gathered in mutual support.
The following “Change the Rules! Everyone Deserves to Feel Safe” events are scheduled:
Todos Merecen Sentirse Seguros - Saturday, April 13, 2:00 to 6:00 pm, Nomar International Market, 21st Street & North Broadway.
Change the Rules Poetry Slam - Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Anna Murdoc’s Café, 209 E. William.
Change the Rules Art Show @ Final Friday - Friday, April 26, evening, YWCA Treasure Chest, 1217 W Douglas Ave.
“We know that for every victim/survivor who received services, there are countless others who have not reached out for support,” said Kathy Williams, Executive Director of the Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center. “One of the most important things you can do to support survivors of sexual violence is BELIEVE them.” WASAC provides crisis services to all victims of sexual violence in Sedgwick County.
All events are free and open to the public. Call 316-263-0185 for more information.
The Wichita Area Sexual Assault Center provides leadership in the community to reduce the impact of sexual assault by providing direct services to those affected and promoting awareness through educational programs.