Lesbian woman wins custody of children after coming out
As a lesbian woman, Chavie Weisberger violated the “religious upbringing” clause as a Hassidic Jew.
Weisberger lost custody of her children for breaking the clause of their divorce.
Not long after coming out, Weisberger said she finally found support outside of the community she was raised.
“I discovered a Jewish LGBT community where there was support for people to live their truth.”
Weisberger’s Jewish community was not welcoming.
“I was under the threat of losing my children completely which ultimately happened. I was terrified,” Weisberger said.
She has regained custody of her children after losing them to her ex-husband.
Weisberger is now focusing on raising her children with sole custody.
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The Gayly 1/4/2018 @ 1:53 p.m. CST