July 2018 Astrology Highlights and Horoscopes

by Josh Rutledge
Zodiac Columnist
July 10 – Jupiter moves direct.
July 12 – New moon in cancer and solar eclipse.
July 22 – Sun enters Leo.
July 26 – Mercury retrograde begins.
July 27 – Full blood moon in Aquarius and lunar eclipse.
Happy birthday Cancer and Leo.
Aries: Strong and exciting changes are happening in your close relationships this month. That wish or lover for some of you is coming in. Some of you may experience some doubt in the beauty and intensity of this. Rest easy; this passion is meant to be.
Taurus: There is a calling to protect yourself or your assets in July. Make sure you are not falling for the shallow charmer. Take your situation step by step this month. Listen to your intuition which is guiding you to safer and more prosperous shores.
Gemini: You have been given the key to creating and receiving wealth and positive opportunity in July. Something is completing and wrapping up, but it looks good. The harvest is making its way to you. A message coming speaks of a milestone in your life.
Cancer: Your imagination and intuition are powerful. Take the time you need to reflect on what downloads you get from the universe. There is a wealth of information coming to you. You have the potential to build whatever it is that you desire and see it spike.
Leo: A profound transformation is occurring this month. A cycle of anguish is ending. You are being guided on an exciting path that feels much more natural to you. Keep your childlike wonder and enthusiasm. It will attract love and blessings to you.
Virgo: You may feel the need to shut yourself off from a past life or past relationship experience this month. Don’t be overly protective because I feel that there is a childlike feeling of nostalgia coming in to spark your faith. A soulmate could be walking in.
Libra: Be wary of any slippery person or contract that feels too good to be true in July. Be sure to protect your finances and exercise good planning. There is a wonderful amount of emotional support for you. Lean on those relationships that are emotionally stable.
Scorpio: Cancer and Leo season are blessing you with some supportive relationships. Romantic breakthroughs and soulmates are popping up. Your sexuality may be spiked, too. Some help is coming in to assist you with your burdens or workload.
Sagittarius: Your money and worth are being highlighted this month. There could be some harsh realities you face around generating income, but new ideas of creating abundance are emerging. The confusion will temper out.
Capricorn: Some beautiful and stable relationships are developing for many of you. Your intuition and foresight are very connected in July. Many messages and confirmations of clarity will be flooding in. A new study looks quite beneficial.
Aquarius: Have you been holding on to a wound from a past relationship? It is time to move on from that. Make a physical move or trip to jar your mindset if you must. Your feelings will balance out and heal this month. But you must let go.
Pisces: What you have dished out is being dished back to you in July. Be mindful of the amount of pleasure you’re indulging in. Passions are high especially with another female. Answers are coming which will in some way free you towards bigger success.
Copyright The Gayly – July 1, 2018 @ 7:50 a.m. CDT.