28th annual Great Plains Gay Rodeo continues at the fairgrounds

Sonja Martinez (L) Co-Grand Marshall 2012 OGRA and Mary Arbuckle, President, Great Plains Rodeo. Photo by Robin Dorner.
Today’s schedule
Grand Entry around noon
The Texas Tea Party 6pm at the Copa
Sunday, May 26th, 2013
Second Rodeo Performance begins approximately 8:30 am; will be announced Saturday.
Grand Entry around Noonish
Gusher’s Restaurant 6-9 pm
(Inside Habana Inn)
Barbeque Dinner $10
Awards Ceremony 8:00 pm. Copa
Monday, May 27th, 2013
Recovery Party
Phoenix Rising 1-3
The 28th annual Great Plains Rodeo May 24-26 at the State Fairgrounds, presented by OGRA. For information please visit www.ogra.net.