January 2019 astrology highlights and horoscopes

by Joshua Lionlight
Zodiac Columnist
Jan. 5 - New moon and solar eclipse in Capricorn
Jan. 6 - Uranus moves direct
Jan. 20 – Sun enters Aquarius
Jan. 21 – Full moon and lunar eclipse in Leo
Happy birthday Capricorn and Aquarius
Aries: What has been clouding your emotions is getting direct attention. You will feel more in control and secure with your relationship life. The emotional security you gain within will inspire more connections to form. Pay attention to the extra psychic signs that arise. Exercise compassion.
Taurus: A romance could turn quite serious. You may find yourself committing to some new excitement within your relationship or partnership. There is a promise being offered that only needs to be accepted this month. Release some of your old standards and principles and be de-stressed.
Gemini: Beware of any legal dealings. Seek some counsel. Take the appropriate amount of time to recoup and gather your wits. Going off somewhere in solitude could prove to be beneficial. Make sure any shared resources or investments are in check. A support group is nearby.
Cancer: Peace in your environment and finances is present. An abundant supply of ideas or goods is manifesting. It looks positive for you to take on a new project, responsibility or adventure. Use the knowledge you have to create something beautiful and share it. You’re expanding beyond your imagination.
Leo: To better build your business and legacy you are being encouraged to have an adventure. New experiences will ignite your inspiration and give you needed perspective. Be more flexible with yourself this month. There is magic in going with the flow. Formation is happening.
Virgo: You may feel at a loss with something this month, but you are being guided to peacefully let go. Don’t spend time “crying over spilled milk,” as they say. What awaits you on the other side will be excitedly transformative. Decluttering something or a relationship will feel liberating.
Libra: Your strength of character is being initiated with a new project or adventure. A good-hearted someone is giving you the attention you need this month. Infinite possibilities are showing up, and you must make a decision. Do not worry so much about the outcome.
Scorpio: Attention is being brought to your relationships and community. Where in your personal life is more order needed? Commitments and life-altering bonds are forming. Investments look positive. Be aware of new policy changes or rules being invoked in your community.
Sagittarius: When you are in the spotlight you attract more positive and negative people. Everyone takes notice. You may feel some added pressure from this which is upsetting. It’s not always glamorous being in the spotlight, but you have a role to fulfill. Present yourself as fearless and take action.
Capricorn: What does it matter that you may be a bit weathered down at the beginning of the month? Your determination will be paying off. Hold to your standards but be open to a different direction. Psychic influences are guiding you. A new ascent is being reached.
Aquarius: Your time and energy will best be invested in career and creative activities this month. An emotional outlet is being presented to you. Avoid being too hasty when it comes to your feelings. Positive insights are lighting you and your spiritual path up.
Pisces: Some wounds or addictive patterns that have been deeply rooted are coming up. These patterns could be involving a relationship which may also be your salvation. You may feel the urge to separate yourself from people, but be encouraged to share openly with the other person. I see open arms.
Copyright The Gayly – January 7, 2019 @ 7:10 a.m. CST.