February 2019 astrology highlights and horoscopes

By Joshua Lionlight
Zodiac Columnist
February 4 – New moon in Aquarius
February 14 – Mars moves into Taurus
February 18 – Sun enters into Pisces
February 19 – Full moon in Virgo
Aries: You are being called to step aside from some relationship or attachment. Personal time looks favorable. Take an independent approach with your ambitions. You are the ruler of your mind. Think large, not small. The universe wants to advance you this month.
Taurus: People may be challenging you or opposing a partnership this month. It is encouraged to remove yourself or your partnership from the opinions of others. Keep personal affairs private if you don’t want unwanted criticism. Treat yourself with time away from everyday society.
Gemini: A recent relationship development or partner is giving you peace and balance. When in disagreement about someone’s logic though, try to understand rather than walk away from it. You are learning to see through someone else’s eyes. It’s a rattling but exciting fated experience.
Cancer: It may seem like a fool’s errand, trusting blindly. You may confidently do so. What you learn and gain will accelerate quickly this month. A lot may be hitting you all at once, so be sure to give yourself rest to feel rebalanced. Success is to be had with this extreme leap.
Leo: Your presence and confidence are elevated. Take the opportunities that come for more spontaneous adventures this month. When feeling clouded, take a moment to sit in your safe space. In this space, you will receive clarifying downloads of information. A victory is nearby.
Virgo: Someone is backing you on whatever you’ve recently initiated. There may be a small struggle with getting someone to see your point of view this month. Stick to your facts. You may find yourself in or with an apprenticeship. Wisdom is being imparted to you from an experienced leader.
Libra: Some creation of yours is getting recognition this month and looks very fulfilling. Positive connections in the workplace are forming. Your focus is sharpening. Mastery will come when you discover how to keep an open, child-like curiosity. Hold yourself or other persons accountable to their word.
Scorpio: Some news comes to you that empowers or even promotes your station. Stepping into more of a leadership role looks strong. Authority is being tested. Be cautious of any emotional manipulation. Someone’s dark side is being revealed. Confront this when you feel emotionally stable.
Sagittarius: A recent find or gift infuses you with a bold psychic sense. You are receiving a more intimate peek at the situation or person involved. Your intuition and ability to learn is enhanced this month. Astonishing, concrete ideas and inspirations are making its way to you. More responsibility comes.
Capricorn: You will get the confirmation you seek that’ll give you a clear heading. Your heading may feel a little lonely, but there is a purpose. Some opposition may arise that’ll force you to rethink your feelings — personal time to reflect looks encouraging. Counsel looks deeply affirming.
Aquarius: Your feelings are informing the progress of your actions. The feminine energy surrounding you is powerful. You have permission to be the boss this month. Managing affairs looks positive. Many areas of your life are getting nurtured to full potential. Your presence commands respect.
Pisces: It’s easy to get caught up in one’s feelings over what has passed. Bringing your attention to work or creativity will help ground you in a peaceful state of mind. Your skills are in demand. A deliberation is at hand. Simply acting will raise your confidence.
Copyright The Gayly – February 1, 2019 @ 7:35 CST.