Did Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul just kind of play us about "Breaking Bad," yo?

There is no way to soften the blow. As of now, we are not getting a "Breaking Bad" reunion.
Hope sprung eternal last month when stars Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul both tweeted the same photo of a pair of sepia-toned donkeys.
Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul had sparked a Breaking Bad reunion buzz. The photos had one word in the tweet: "Soon." They followed that about a week later with another dual message showing a photo of the two actors and the words, "Even sooner."
Naturally people started thinking the pair were going to announce a project related to their beloved AMC series, which went off the air in 2013.
But it turns out they are actually working on ... a new brand of mezcal.
Cranston and Paul took to Instagram Tuesday to explain that they hatched the joint venture several years ago over drinks.
"Three years ago we sat in a sushi bar in New York. Talking about life and what we could possibly do down the road together," they said.
"We had the time of our lives while shooting Breaking Bad and truly built a very special bond. Knowing that we couldn't share the screen for quite a while -- our thoughts turned to a new project," they wrote. "We sipped cocktails and thought about what it should be. The younger one looked at his drink and said, you know what we should do? We should do a really special Mezcal."
To pretty much break it down, this is what happened.
Cranston and Paul: "The world needs artisanal mezcal!"
Color lots of people disappointed to say the least.
"So you guys have officially ruined all our hopes," one person commented.
By Lisa Respers France, CNN via The-CNN-Wire™ & © 2019 Cable News Network, Inc., a Time Warner Company. All rights reserved.
The Gayly. 7/10/2019 @ 11:33 a.m. CST.