Lawton/Ft. Sill Pride elects new board, plans for future

Lawton/Ft. Sill Pride’s new Board of Directors is enthusiastic to continue with the mission of providing leadership to meet the needs of the queer community of Lawton, and those in the surrounding area, through advocacy, education, and support services.
Elections were held August 18 for a new Board of Directors. Taylor Brunwald was elected as the new President, with Wally Harris as Vice-President, Randy Corrales as Secretary, Judie McMath as Sergeant-at-Arms, and Lindsey Comer and Deron Twohatchet each as non-officer board members. The election of a Treasurer was postponed until the next meeting.
At the meeting, a brainstorming session took place involving all members present. Potential plans for the upcoming year include establishing official non-profit status, an all-ages festival, and the second annual Rainbow Ball, an alternative prom for queer youth in the area. An additional brainstorming session will be held at the next meeting to determine the needs and desires of the community at large.
The next regular meeting will be held at 7pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 816 W Gore Blvd. in Lawton on Sunday, September 15. Meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend.
September 13, 2013