Lawton/Ft. Sill Pride update

The 2013-2014 year is shaping up to be filled with events for the LGBT community of Lawton/Ft. Sill.
The first event will be participating in the Christmas Bazaar on November 15 - 16 hosted by the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lawton; 816 W Gore Blvd. LFS Pride will have a table selling homemade craft items and projects.
Sergeant-at-Arms Judie McMath is eager for this event. “I’m excited about our first fundraiser in conjunction with the Unitarian Universalist church,” McMath said. “It gives us a chance to see all different people from the community and for the church the chance to show support to the gay community. We’re probably one of few churches in town who do.”
Events currently in the planning stages include a drag showcase for local entertainers, a luncheon, the second annual Rainbow Ball, and, potentially, Lawton’s first ever Pride Festival.
“We have a lot of things in store, and we’ll need as much community participation as possible,” President Taylor Brunwald said. “If we all collaborate, we can set the precedent for continuing success.”
LFS Pride is in the process of applying to become a non-profit organization. Other internal matters include searching for a graphic designer for branding needs and reforming membership qualifications.
Lawton/Ft. Sill Pride meets on the third Sunday of each month. The next meeting will be at 7pm, Sunday, November 17, at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Lawton. Meetings are open to the public and everyone is encouraged to attend. The group is also on Facebook at
The Gayly – November 15, 2013 @ 5:00pm