Rest in Peace: Desiree Luv

Desiree Luv, a well known drag queen performer in Kansas City, MO passed away shortly after 7:30pm on Friday, January 10th, in a Kansas City hospital. Confirmation came from various close friends of Desiree Luv, including Sidekicks Club show host Butt Wiser, who was a close friend of Desiree Luv. Butt Wiser tells me Desiree Luv passed away from a rare blood disease. On Christmas Eve Desiree posted on her facebook page, “My time in the hospital as been extended, not going well. TRULY asking my Friends, Family, and Sister Entertainers for your help, I have not been able to work, been here sense Thanksgiving.. Please contact Korea Cavalli Gleason, or my Pay-Pal account to help in anyway you can. Thanking you in advance.. Desiree Luv, dictated but not read...” Desiree Luv was a regular performer in the “Flo Show” at Social bar with host Flo(AKA John Koop). Desiree was a regular emcee during Kansas City Pride Festivals. Desiree Luv’s facebook page:
John Koop AKA “Flo” Facebook page:
posted The Gayly Jan. 15, 2014, 10pm