Eureka Chamber promotes live music with Hometown Jam III

The Greater Eureka Springs Chamber of Commerce will host the Third Annual Mid-Winter Hometown Jam Saturday, February 15th at 7:00pm. in the City Auditorium. This event will feature seven of the areas top local bands on the “big stage”.
Featured on this year’s show will be The Ariels, The Sarah Hughes Band, Josh Jennings Band, The Medicine Man Show, SX Rex, Kevin Riddle and Springbilly. These groups perform in various local venues, at festivals and special events throughout the year and collectively will offer a full evening of rock n roll, country and rhythm and blues music. Each band will perform a twenty-minute set before they all join together for a jam session finale, which was a highlight for last year’s show.
“Eureka Springs is one of the best live music cities in the state. We have such a variety of entertainment venues, clubs, theaters, festivals, and of course the City Auditorium that feature live music. To compliment that, we are home to an abundance of gifted singers, musicians, entertainers and groups. The Jam is a way to increase awareness and promote the continuation of live music, as well as recognize some of the areas best” stated Mike Bishop, President/CEO of the Chamber and an entertainer himself.
Tickets are $12.00 at the door with children under 12 admitted free. Advanced tickets can be purchased at the Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center in the Village at Pine Mountain for only $10.00. For more information call (479) 253-8737.
The Gayly – February 5, 2014 @ 9:40am