Guild and McAffrey in run off for OK 5th District seat

By Ken Townsend
Seminole County Democratic Chairperson Leona Leonard showing surprising strength in the Democratic race for the Oklahoma U.S. Fifth district pushed retired University of Central of Oklahoma professor Tom Guild and State Senator Al McAffrey into an August 26th run off. With 100% of the precincts reporting Guild held 42% of the vote with McAffrey coming in at 31% and Leonard at 27%.
From his watch party Tuesday night, McAffrey stated, “We started the campaign late and didn’t get to all of the areas we needed to visit. We just didn’t have the time. We’ll be going to Seminole, Shawnee and those other areas right away after tonight.”
Guild, leading the entire night, said, “We have done extraordinarily well despite being outspent in a three-way race.” Guild went on to say he considers himself the only truly progressive Democratic candidate competing for office.
The two will meet on Tuesday, August 26, 2014 in a match up that will determine who will meet the winner of the Republican run off between Steve Russell and Patrice Douglas. Russell garnered 27% of the vote to Douglas’ 24% in a crowded 6 person race.
Siali Siaosi contributed to this story