LGBT Lobby Day at Oklahoma Capitol Monday Feb. 23

By Troy Stevenson
Executive Director, Freedom Oklahoma
I'm tired of not being able to sleep at night because of what many legislators are spending their time on at the Capitol. I know you are tired too. It's time for the politics of discrimintation to come to an end in our state. The legislative session just started and right out of the gate --- instead of focusing on Oklahoma's projected $611 million budget shortfall this year --- many legislators are retaliating against our community for our success. We are tracking nearly a dozen out of touch bills that not only harm Oklahomans --- they also hurt our economy.
Join us on Monday for the first in a series of Lobby Days at the State Capitol.
Yes, our community won the freedom to marry last year. However, this legislative backlash and foot stomping must stop. Our state can't afford the tempter tantrums on the backs of Oklahomans. When you take action and let your elected officials know what is important to you, you help us secure and protect equality and opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Oklahomans and our families.
Monday, February 23, 2015
Oklahoma State Capitol
Room 511A
Promptly at 8:30 AM we will begin a brief lobby training, eat a light breakfast, and hear from some of our legislative allies. We will be ready to for meetings with our legislators beginning at 10 AM. Freedom Oklahoma will arrange some of the appointments, but it is always best for you to request a meeting independently as well. Please contact us if you need help doing so.
What to bring with you:
- First and for most, your story. Lawmakers hear statistics and legal jargon from both sides everyday, but personal stories change hearts and minds. Be ready to tell YOUR story.
- Photos of your family, these help provide a visual and show the real people that these pieces of legislation will impact.
- Yourself, and as many supporters of equality as you can organize.
Register for our 6th annual Lobby Day to make sure to have enough breakfast for everyone!
This is truly how we win, how we defeat this legislation. We will stand together, and make lawmakers see the real families and individuals who vote for them, and who these laws will actually affect. And remember: together, we are bigger. Together, we are stronger. Together, we will win.
In solidarity,
Troy Stevenson
Executive Director
Freedom Oklahoma
The Gayly - February 20, 2015 @ 2:30pm.