Quotes from Oklahoma leaders on gay marriage ruling
Oklahoma City (AP) — Some comments from Oklahoma leaders on Friday's historic U.S. Supreme Court ruling that gives same-sex couples the right to marry in all 50 states:
"I believe that marriage is an issue which is properly left to the states. Last year, when the courts struck down Oklahoma's definition of marriage, which was added to our state Constitution by overwhelming popular vote, I said that was an undemocratic act of federal overreach and judicial activism. Likewise, the U.S. Supreme Court's decision today is another blow to states and their ability to govern themselves without federal interference." - Oklahoma Gov. Mary Fallin.
"Many Americans believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and we need to celebrate marriage as the best way to provide stability for children. For people who live by the clear teaching of many different faith traditions and people who simply believe in the sanctity of marriage, it is essential that their views are respected." - U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma.
"It is unfortunate that the Court took it upon itself to decide for the people what was being appropriately debated and decided in the states through the democratic process." - U.S. Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Oklahoma.
"With this decision, consenting adults across the country are now assured that they can find their happiness in the bond of marriage, regardless of where they live. It is time for us in the legislature to honor the separation of church and state, move on, and stop wasting time and taxpayer dollars on tired, discriminatory issues that minimize and marginalize thousands of Oklahomans." - Oklahoma Senate Democratic Leader Sen. Randy Bass, D-Bass.
"The Supreme Court has made a tragic error. This decision will have devastating consequences, especially for children today and for generations to come. No matter the court's ruling, it cannot change what marriage really is." -The Most Rev. Paul S. Coakley, Archbishop, Archdiocese of Oklahoma City
"Today's decision was not grounded in our Constitution, but rather in five unelected judges' view of what the law ought to be. That is not what our Founders had in mind. Today's decision also threatens the ability of citizens to live out their faith in the public square." - Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt.
"It is my hope that with the SCOTUS ruling Oklahomans will use it as an opportunity for unity and not for divisive political conjecture." - State Rep. Jason Dunnington, D-Oklahoma City.
"The court's ruling doesn't change what is truth, and this is not the first time the court has been wrong." -Rep. Sally Kern, R-Oklahoma City.
"Make no mistake; in the arena of marriage, this victory is absolute and irrevocable." - Troy Stevenson, executive director of Freedom Oklahoma.
"As we celebrate we are mindful that injustices persist and the struggle felt by LGBT Americans, and in particular LGBT youth, is a very real. We must transform the joy of today into the grit we will no doubt need to guide our nation towards true equality in the future." - Ryan Kiesel, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Oklahoma.
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The Gayly – June 26, 2015 @ 3:45pm.