Thousands rally for clerks denying gay marriage licenses

Rowan County, KY, County Clerk Kim Davis, shown here with her attorney, spoke to rally at the state capitol in Frankfort. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley, File)

Frankfort, Ky. (AP) — Three Kentucky county clerks who are refusing to issue marriage licenses to gay couples drew thunderous cheers from a crowd gathered at the state capitol.

Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis spoke at the rally organized by The Family Foundation of Kentucky on Saturday afternoon. The crowd of a few thousand included churchgoers from around the state. Davis has been sued by The American Civil Liberties Union for denying marriage licenses to gay couples. She says her Christian faith prohibits her from signing licenses for same-sex couples.

The three clerks have stopped issuing any marriage licenses from their offices.

Davis spoke briefly, saying "I need your prayers ... to continue to stand firm in what we believe." A federal judge has ruled Davis must issue the licenses, but her attorneys are appealing the decision.

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The Gayly – August 22, 2015  @ 1:20pm.