Enid Pride: Love wins

Staff Report
(Enid, OK) The Enid LGBT Coalition is planning what they expect to be the best Enid LGBT Pride event ever. The theme for this year’s event is “Love Wins,” in recognition of marriage equality nationwide. Enid Pride 2015 will be at Government Spring Park North, on Saturday September 12, from Noon to 6pm. The event, held annually since 2009, now attracts over 1,000 visitors from across the region.
The Coalition is busy signing up volunteers and vendors, and planning this year’s event. The Enid Pride Team is working hard to bring the best Enid Pride ever. Sponsors, vendors, entertainers and speakers are rolling in in the buildup to a great event.
Entertainers include Enid singer Tania Warnock. She showed up at a committee meeting to sing a few tunes, and was signed up. Committee members said she is a “Sweet fresh voice.” Other entertainers include Heavy Metal group No Love For Aphrodite, and Kyle Reid and the Low Swinging Chariots. Singer Annie Oakley is a returning performer.
Food vendors are an important part of any Pride event. Smoke Wagon has signed up for the event, a great place for BBQ. Also on the vendor list is the Scoops Ice Cream Truck, to cool off participants on what will be a warm late summer afternoon.
The Oklahoma Department of Human Services Foster Care Unit has signed up as both a vendor and guest speaker. DHS representative Jody Julian will be speaking on the need for foster parent in Garfield County.
Any Pride event needs lots of volunteers, and over 40 have signed up to help make this year’s Enid Pride the most successful ever.
The celebration’s theme this year is “Love Wins.” In recognition of that, and the Supreme Court’s marriage equality ruling in June, Enid Pride is offering a “Collective Marriage Ceremony” during this year’s event. The only requirements are a legal marriage license, and participation in a one-time marriage meeting, one week before the event. Organizers say, “We have the state and the ministers ready to perform the ceremony.” Participants can indicate interest by commenting on the Enid Pride 2015 Facebook page.
Enid Pride 2015 organizers expect this to be the best year yet for the event. Come out to Enid on September 12, and join the celebration! Vendors and sponsors are still signing up. To help support the event, or to be a vendor, visit www.enidlgbtcoalition.org, and click on the Enid Pride tab.
Enid Pride is run by an all-volunteer committee and funded by sponsorships, and donations, for Enid LGBT Coalition, an IRS approved not-for-profit organization. Enid Pride itself is a not-for-profit event, and does NOT support any paid staff.