Kansas panel considers whether gays should be foster parents

Topeka, Kan. (AP) — A Kansas legislative committee's chairman has raised questions about whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to serve as foster parents for abused and neglected children.
Sen. Forrest Knox had the Special Committee on Foster Care Adequacy hear testimony Tuesday on "family structure considerations" in placing children in foster care.
The Altoona Republican said he scheduled the testimony because family environments influence how well children do in school and life.
Equality Kansas Executive Director Tom Witt called the hearing "reprehensible."
The study committee heard conflicting testimony on whether children of same-sex parents are at a disadvantage.
A Catholic priest and sociology professor said a study shows the children are at a disadvantage, while an official from the American Psychological Association said they are not.
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The Gayly – November 17, 2015 @ 3:10 p.m.