Council Oak Men's Chorale

The Council Oak Men's Chorale will be presenting their annual holiday concert in three upcoming performances. OkEq photo.

Thursday, December 3
Friday, December 4
Tuesday, December 8
501 S. Cincinnati Ave, 8:00 p.m.

The Council Oak Men's Chorale will be presenting their annual holiday concert in three upcoming performances. The concert, entitled "Echoes of December", will feature a number of traditional holiday numbers, such as "I Wonder as I Wander", "Masters in this Hall", and "God Rest You Merry Gentlemen", along with more contemporary fare, including "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year", "Little Saint Nick", and more.

Tickets are $20 and may be purchased through, or at the door.  Early Special Ticket price before November 15 is to "Buy 2 tickets for the price of 1." So hurry and get your tickets!

For more information, please contact Amy Howe at

The Gayly - 11/23/2015 @ 2:12 p.m. CST