8 sex assaults reported in Vermont National Guard in 2015

The Vermont National Guard is required by state law to provide a yearly report on sex assault, gender and sexual orientation discrimination.

Montpelier, Vt. (AP) — Vermont National Guard members reported eight sexual assaults in fiscal year 2015 with half of those occurring in previous years, according to a report released on Friday.

In only one case is a National Guard member accused.

The Guard is required by state law to provide a yearly report on sex assault, gender discrimination and discrimination based on sexual orientation. The report is the third to date. Nationally, the U.S. military is focusing on trying to eliminate sexual assault in its ranks.

In fiscal year 2014, three sexual assaults were reported to the Vermont National Guard and six the year before.

"Sexual assault, sexual harassment and discrimination of any kind have no place in the Vermont National Guard," said Adjutant Gen. Steven Cray as Guard officials discussed the findings at a joint meeting of two legislative committees on Friday. "It is an attack on the values we defend and on the cohesion our units demand."

The fact that service members are reporting sexual assaults from previous years is evidence that they have confidence in the Guard's ability to provide them support and hold the offenders accountable, Cray said.

"Over the past years, I believe that our program has been extremely successful," he said.

All non-confidential reports of sexual assault crimes are reported to local law enforcement for investigation. The Vermont National Guard does its own administrative investigation into the complaints to address other military misconduct and is careful not to interfere with civil criminal authorities, said Lt. Col. Theresa Wolbach, the Vermont Guard's sexual assault response coordinator.

Two of the cases reported in fiscal year 2015 warranted a military investigation and one a civilian criminal investigation, the report said.

The report also disclosed a total of seven sexual harassment cases, in which six National Guard members were accused. One case warranted a military investigation and another a civilian criminal investigation, the report said. No cases of discrimination based on sexual orientation were reported.

By Lisa Rathke, Associated Press. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

The Gayly – January 16, 2016 @ 6:55 a.m.