OKC Pride advances educational efforts
by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
"Health. Education. Outreach." A motto branded by OKC Pride in 2010 and their efforts to fulfill the mantra are increasing, according to organizers.
“Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be putting together a committee on how we relate info to our community that is accurate,” said OKC Pride board member, John Gibbons at their January meeting. “The sum of this is that our community needs information that is accurate and fair. Accurate information about our community is very important.”
Gibbons retorted that some people report information well and some people do it with fear tactics.
He was referring to the Texas Legislature not being in session this year and the information being passed that “this makes Oklahoma the state with the most anti-LGBT bills in the nation.”
“It’s just simply not true. And I think it’s important for people to have a place to go for accurate and real information. It’s empowering and safer,” Gibbons added. “Incorrect information is the wrong message to send to our community.”
Blaine Moore who serves as the OKC Pride Treasurer said, “Facts, not opinion!” He said he thinks there is a place and a need for LGBT health information, resources, info and help. “Accurate, honest, non-slanted,” said Moore.
“We want to be able to provide that info to the community,” said Lennon Patton. “It adds legitimacy to the board.”
According to the OKC Police Department, OKC Pride is the largest private event held in OKC each year. For more information, visit www.okcpride.org.
The Gayly – 1/23/2016 @ 2:44pm CST