Officer must testify against colleagues in Freddie Gray case
BALTIMORE (AP) — Maryland's highest court has ruled that a Baltimore police officer charged in the death of Freddie Gray must testify against his colleagues while he awaits retrial.
The Court of Appeals issued a ruling Tuesday siding with prosecutors who asked a judge to compel William Porter to testify against the five other officers facing charges stemming from Gray's death. Porter's first trial ended in a hung jury in December.
The rulings affirmed Baltimore Circuit Judge Barry Williams' decision to force Porter to testify against two of the officers and reversed the judge's decision that Porter did not have to testify against the three other officers.
By Juliet Linderman, AP. Copyright 2016 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
The Gayly - 3/8/2016 @ 10:13 a.m.