Leader of hate group to play key role in Republican National Convention

By Austin Stallings
Journalism Intern
LOUISIANA – The president of the Family Research Council, Tony Perkins, announced today that he has been selected to be a delegate to the GOP convention for the state of Louisiana. Perkins is a former Louisiana state representative, with ties to white supremacists.
Perkins was also elected to the GOP platform committee, a group that sets the official priorities and positions for the Republic party.
The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated the Family Research Council an official "hate group" for their outrageous anti-LGBT rhetoric and egregious stances on civil rights issues.
According to the SPLC, "Perkins has a sordid political history, having once purchased Klansman David Duke's mailing list for use in a Louisiana political campaign he was managing. In 2001, Perkins gave a speech to a Louisiana chapter of the Council of Conservative Citizens, a white supremacist group"
Perkins' released a press statement earlier today stating that his role on the Platform Committee "is where some of the most significant debates over the party's core values occur." He went on to say "Make no mistake: What happens over those two days could dramatically impact the direction of – not just the presidential campaign – but the entire Republican Party and the country."
The Republican National Convention takes place on July 18, 2016.
The Gayly – 3/15/2016 @ 2:15 p.m. CST