Ohio lawmaker seeks to force vote on unnecessary Pastor Protection Act
Columbus, Ohio (AP) — A state lawmaker has made a procedural move that could force a vote during this fall's lame duck session on a proposal to allow Ohio churches and pastors to refuse to perform same-sex marriages.
The Columbus Dispatch reports (http://bit.ly/1RMPFP50 ) state Rep. Paul Zeltwanger pulled a discharge petition on the last day of session before summer break. It is intended to force the so-called Pastor Protection Act out of committee and onto the chamber floor.
Fifty House members need to sign the document for it to be successful, a goal that's rarely met.
The bill says no clergy could be required to solemnize a marriage or have their church property used to host a ceremony that's against their religious beliefs.
Opponents say state and U.S. constitutions already protect religious freedom.
Information from: The Columbus Dispatch, http://www.dispatch.com
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The Gayly – June 5, 2016 @ 1:30 p.m.