OKC Phil presents classical Thibaudet

The Oklahoma City Philharmonic presents an evening of orchestral color, style and verve featuring one of the most popular soloists at the Phil, pianist Jean-Yves Thibaudet. This performance, with conductor Joel Levine, will be one night only on January 10 at Oklahoma City’s Civic Center Music Hall.
The program opens with Mozart's Serenade in G major “Eine kleine Nachtmusik,” thoroughly familiar and still delighting audiences with its freshness.
Next, Hanson: Symphony No. 2 “Romantic.” American composer Howard Hanson created a 20th century masterpiece with sweeping melodies and lush orchestral sonorities in his Second Symphony.
And the closing work, which features the soloist, is popularly known as the Egyptian Concerto, because it was written by the shatteringly masterful pianist/composer Camille Saint-Saens after a trip to the Middle East.
Tickets are available for $19 to $65 at the Philharmonic ticket office, 428 West California, Suite 210, from 9am to 5pm; by phone at (405) 842-538); online at www.okcphilharmonic.org or www.myticketoffice.com; and at the Civic Center ticket office at 201 N. Walker. Online purchases and outlet sales are subject to handling charges.
The Gayly – December 11, 2014 @ 10:30am