Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund receives $25,000 grant
The Oklahoma AIDS Care Fund recently received a $25,000 grant from the E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation for HIV Prevention and Care Program. The grant will allow OACF to continue to advance innovation, reduce stigma and guide policies that address the statewide coordinated statement of need.
The HIV Prevention and Care Program also provides direct services to over 30,000 unduplicated individuals annually through educational outreach events and awareness activities. In addition, the program provides the following resources in the community:
3,000 safer sex kits distributed at outreach events and through targeted distribution sites in the most at-risk areas across the state.
2,500 test kits utilized at free testing sites throughout the state. Last year nearly 300 individuals were newly diagnosed and linked to care. Of these 80% are still engaged in care and have a suppressed viral load and effectively have no risk of transmitting the virus.
One-time emergency assistance to 250 persons living with HIV/AIDS to cover transportation, medical treatment and prescriptions not covered by insurance, and vision and dental services. The emergency assistance support is provided when all funding resources have been exhausted and serves to eliminate barriers preventing individuals from taking medications and staying in treatment.
“We greatly appreciate the support of the E.L. and Thelma Gaylord Foundation's commitment to improving the lives of Oklahomans,” said the organization.
The Gayly. June 12, 2018. 10:52 a.m. CST.