Oklahoma Log Cabin Republican group reorganizes

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
Some people don’t realize this, but there are a lot of gay Republicans. And that is certainly so in The Gayly’s South Central region in the states of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Kansas, and parts of Missouri and Texas.
This year the Oklahoma Log Cabin Republicans are regrouping and reestablishing the organization. “We are not here to shun anyone; we want to embrace all that wish to be welcomed, no matter political views, religion, race, creed or sexual orientation,” said Zach Blackburn, Chair of the Oklahoma Log Cabin Republicans.
“We are here to make a difference in this diverse day and age,” said Blackburn. “Change and help can be found on both sides, not one or the other. We want to help people understand that everyone has the right to voice their opinion. Being different, showing your opinion, going against the current, and standing out should not mean you are against the common good or the purpose of what we believe in or what we stand for.”

The Oklahoma Log Cabin Republicans goals for the upcoming year are to start working with Democrats to help bring the LGBTQ+ community together. They had a booth at Edmond Pride in October to present educational material and show their presence at this public event.
“We should be an example to each of the political parties how we should act toward each other. Sometimes, we need to compromise on our standards and vision for a brighter future for all of us. We believe we can move forward with love, faith, respect and equality for every single person.”
Blackburn likes the basic policies of President Trump but does not necessarily agree with many of the LGBTQ+ issues the President has implemented. For example, the attacks on our transgender community.
“To me, he shouldn’t ban transgender people from the military,” said Blackburn. “Anyone should be allowed to serve our country.”
However, Blackburn added, “I don’t agree with the fact that transgender people go in the service and have their surgery done on the taxpayer dollar.”
When President Trump first took office, he ordered the removal of anything about LGBTQ+ rights and equality from the White House website.
“I don’t agree with removing it,” said Blackburn adding, “But now that it’s that way it should stay until we can make it equal to everyone, being able to show a truly diverse country. He needs to take every special group down and leave it like that or put something from every group on there.”
To add insult to injury, President Trump has nominated multiple people to the courts and elsewhere who have anti-LGBTQ+ records. The Administration has directed its army of federal lawyers to take the anti-LGBTQ+ side in court cases, and it has done some extraordinarily petty things, like refusing to recognize Pride Month or LGBT History month.
“If you are celebrating all the groups and special interests, support them all. Show that you are not a completely negative person; show some leniency. Be kind-hearted to people you don’t even agree with because they have had a harder road,” Blackburn said.
“I think he’s trying to keep it pure politics, but everyone is hiding behind their religion and money to get what they want.
“I’m ready for a more diverse Republican and Democratic parties so we can all get along better.”
Copyright The Gayly 12/8/2018 @ 1:53 p.m. CST.