Pansexual shares experiences and offers advice

By Zoe Travers
Journalism Intern
Sam Royka is a proud pansexual person. Royka defined pansexuality as being attracted to people regardless of gender. Pansexual /Panromantic Day of Visibility is today, May 24, and we chatted with Royka about what their sexuality means to them.
“This is a day where pans everywhere can shed their invisibility cloaks,” Royka said. “It means a chance to connect with others, a chance to share experiences, and the increasing visibility of pansexuality every year. It gives me hope.”
They said people tend to make assumptions about pan people, and their advice is to ask before assuming, respect differences, and be an ally.
“Pansexuality is just people loving people,” Royka said.
They said they usually feel included in the LGBTQ+ community, but sometimes pansexuality can be mistaken as the same thing as bisexuality, which they think is too limiting for their experiences and identification. They said there had been times, however, when they felt excluded from the LGBTQ+ community.
Royka said there are some misconceptions about people who identify as LGBTQ+. Misconceptions some people have include including the idea that they are more sexually active, they’re confused, or that they identify that way just because it’s “popular now.”
“Sexuality and gender are not trends,” Royka said. “They are social concepts. Any social concept is not going to be set in stone.”
They said, for each of these misconceptions, the solution is exposure and education about the gender and sexuality spectrum.
Royka, who is also genderfluid, said they’ve dealt with several misconceptions.
“I have been called confused, greedy, and I have been told that ‘everyone goes through this phase,’” they said. “The thing that’s helped me the most was surrounding myself with positive, accepting people, many of whom are going through the same thing. Having people to talk to about the stress around your identity is crucial, no matter who you are.”
Royka offered some advice to anyone who may be going through something similar.
“The pan community and the LGBTQ+ community, as a unified whole, will always be here. So remember you’re not alone -- any day of the year,” Royka said.
Copyright The Gayly. 5/24/2019 @ 7:18 a.m. CST.