The people's "State of the State' rally set for Topeka

Kansas LGBT activists celebrate Pride in Wichita, Sept. 2012. Photo by Robin Dorner.

MoveOn of Johnson County Kansas and other supporting organizations will hold a rally on the east steps of the Kansas State Capitol in Topeka on Monday, January 14, at 12:30 p.m. At the rally, held for the opening session of the Kansas legislature, representatives of a rainbow of working peoople's organizations will speak.

Attendees are encouraged to bring banners and signs. The organizers anticipate that issues addressed at the rally will include education, social services, healthcare, labor rights, women's rights, services to veterans, LGBTQ rights and immigrant rights.

Join the rally on Monday, Jan. 14th, and let your voice and concerns about the 'State of our State' be heard.

For more information contact Al Frisby, / 913-206-5354 or Jan Swartzendruber,