Pottawattamie County hosts annual Pride picnic

The annual Pottawattamie County (OK) annual Pride picnic will be held on June 15 from noon to 3 p.m. at the Glen Collins Memorial Park Pavillion at Twin Lakes, Shawnee.
Guests are invited to bring their favorite potluck dish and your choice of beverage. Organizers will provide a “few things.”
There will be games and swimming, and organizers are looking for musicians.
The picnic will kick off Pride week with a jump start right before OKC Pride which will be June 21-23, but events will be held throughout the month.
The Pottawattomie County event is open for all LGBTQ+ individuals, their friends and families. Sorry, alcohol and glass containers are prohibited. Please RSVP on FB event page of Pottawatomie County LGBTQ PRIDE Picnic.
The event is organized by Skittles LGBT Unite Shawnee, Oklahoma FB group @LGBTShawneeOK. For more information or to RSVP, please visit their page.
The Gayly. 6/3/2019 @1:39 p.m. CST.