Religious right upset over Netflix series with animated drag characters

In late May, Netflix announced a new original series which features drag superheroes by releasing a teaser trailer. The animated series will be called “Super Drags”.
The description released by Netflix says, “During the day, they work in a department store and deal with their uptight bitchy boss. By night, they tighten up their corsets and transform into the baddest SUPER DRAGS in town, ready to combat shade and rescue the world’s glitter from the evil villains.
“Get ready, because the SUPER DRAGS are going deeper than you think.”
Predictably, the “Christian” right is incensed about the new show. The Christian Film & Television Commission has started a campaign to get the network to abandon the project.
The commission writes, “This animated show is clearly geared towards young and vulnerable children. The cartoon series will feature “superheroes” who dress like the opposite gender.
"The series is driven by a 'politically correct' transvestite agenda and it is chock-full of sexual innuendos that are completely inappropriate for young audiences.... Do we really want our children to sit down to watch a fun new superhero cartoon series and instead have them lose their innocence to sexual wickedness?
“This must not be allowed to happen.”
So, the so-called commission has launched a letter campaign, telling Netflix CEO Reed Hastings the “Super Drags” sexualizes children; the proposed letter also issues a thinly veiled boycott threat.
Here’s the letter:
Dear Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix,
I really don’t know how to express my disappointment with Netflix.
I just saw the teaser trailer for your new cartoon series “Super Drags.” This sexually explicit animated show is clearly geared towards young and vulnerable children. I must ask: “What is Netflix thinking?”
Netflix offers many great shows that children enjoy. Please don’t give in to the pressure to sexually exploit our children. I humbly ask you to reconsider adding this series to your line up.
I’m sure you’ll suggest that parents should decide for themselves what their children watch – and that’s true. But we also long for a place where children’s entertainment does not have a politically correct agenda that sexualixes [sic] children.
Perhaps Netflix isn’t right for me anymore.
Please take the higher ground and give our children fun and educational content instead of sexually suggestive content. “Super Drags” is NOT the education we want for our children.
Their suggestion that Hastings’ response will be “Parents should decide for themselves what their children watch” is probably true. And if that is his response, he is right on target. Parents should decide, not right-wing “Christian” censors.
Really, just based on the trailer, it looks like an amazing and fun animated series. Click on the video at the start of this story.
Copyright The Gayly – July 6, 2018 @ 5:15 p.m.