San Francisco appoints an advisor on transgender issues

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — San Francisco has appointed a human rights advocate as its point person for transgender issues.
Mayor Ed Lee announced Thursday Theresa Sparks will work directly with his office to develop initiatives that help advance the rights of the transgender community.
As the mayor's senior adviser on transgender issues, Sparks will assist in leading the Mayors Against Discrimination coalition, which Lee helped form in the wake of laws enacted in North Carolina and Mississippi that affect gay and transgender residents.
Sparks will oversee city funded projects for the transgender community and analyze city services gaps in the areas of violence prevention, health care, employment services, the criminal justice system and community empowerment.
Sparks has served as a human rights commissioner and as a San Francisco police commissioner. She starts July 1.
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The Gayly - 6/16/2016 @ 10:24 a.m. CDT