Sanders outlines path to victory after winning 3 more states

Gaining momentum this weekend, Sanders outlined a path moving forward. Photo by Andy Manis, AP.

After a sweeping victory in this weekend's caucuses in Washington, Alaska, and Hawaii, Sen. Bernie Sanders went on ABC's This Week with Jonathan Karl to outline his path moving forward. ABC reported he earned at least 70 percent of the votes in each contest.

According to Towleroad, when asked about his plan today, Sanders asserted that he has cut Clinton’s delegate lead by a third and believes he’ll end up with more pledged delegates than Clinton and be able to convince superdelegates to switch candidates and come over to his side.

Said Sanders when challenged by Karl about the delegate gap Sanders still needs to close:

"You’re assuming that every super delegate who now supports Secretary Clinton will stay with her. You’re not taking into consideration the fact there are hundreds of delegates, super delegates, who have not yet made a decision. We think we can win many of them.

"And what we showed yesterday is, in fact, the momentum is with us; we think we’re going to do well in Wisconsin. We think we got a real shot in New York. And then we go out to California. You go out to Oregon. That’s the most progressive part of America. We think we’re going to do very well there.

"So I will not deny for one second that we still remain the underdogs, but we have come a long, long way, you will have to concede, in the last 10 months. We do have a path toward victory."

When asked if he would continue his vocal criticism of Hillary Clinton in the campaign, Sanders said:

"Secretary Clinton has super PACs; she has raised some $15 million at least from Wall Street, money from the fossil fuel industry and the drug companies.

"Do I think the American people need to know? That, is that an important issue?

"I think it is. Our vote’s on the wall: I voted against the war in Iraq. She voted for the war in Iraq. That’s an important issue. I am opposed to continuation of fracking. She supports fracking. Those are important issues. That’s what a campaign is about."

According to ABC, Sanders believes his recent string of victories shows he can not only win the Democratic nomination, but also succeed in the general election, including against Republican Party frontrunner Donald Trump.

“We won three landslides last night. We won six out of seven contests in the last 11 days. We’ve cut Secretary Clinton’s lead by a third during that period of time,” said Sanders. "A national poll just came out that had us one point ahead of Secretary Clinton when we started 60 points behind, and every national and state poll that I have seen, virtually every one, has us defeating Donald Trump."


Towleroad and ABC contributed to this report. 

The Gayly- 3/27/2016 @ 3:29 PM CST