Springfield Pride: Be the Change
Springfield, Mo. — The Greater Ozarks Pridefest 2014 is slated to begin June 14 through June 21 with a week full of exciting events catered to the LGBT community, said Charles Abernathy, co-chair of the Greater Ozarks Pridefest Committee.
The Greater Ozarks Pridefest is presented by The Gay and Lesbian Center of the Ozarks, or the GLO Center, a nonprofit organization which “supports persons in the greater Springfield, Mo. region by organizing and sponsoring community activities and by increasing public understanding and appreciation of [LGBT] citizens,” according to its website at www.glocenter.org.
Abernathy said the theme of this year’s Greater Ozarks Pridefest is being the change we wish to see accomplished — and by doing so, focusing on those within the LGBT community who are most often underrepresented.
“We wanted to kind of give voice to parts of the [LGBT] community that often times don’t get heard,” Abernathy said.
“We’re going to have a focus on transgendered individuals, lesbians and bisexuals,” he said.
“The gays get represented most often … and there are other parts of the [LGBT] community that are just as valid and often don’t get the media spotlight,” he said.
“We’ve kind of catered all our events to those segments of the community.”
Throughout the week of The Greater Ozarks Pridefest 2014, Abernathy said, there will be several events for community members to participate in.
After a pub crawl on Saturday, June 14, Abernathy said, an event called Supportive Sunday will be held on June 15.
“Since we are the fourth Bible-minded city in the U.S. … we’re having a supportive Sunday,” Abernathy said. “We have a list of local affirming churches and Bible studies that we’re going to advertise as a safe space to go to for pride.”
Along with Supportive Sunday, Abernathy said, The Greater Ozarks Pridefest 2014 is hosting other events throughout the week — including a performance by transgendered comedian Amanda Kerri on Thursday, June 19 and an address delivered at Missouri State University by transgendered woman and former U.S. Navy SEAL, Kristen Beck, on Friday, June 20.
Abernathy said the most exciting event, the Equality March, is scheduled for Saturday, June 21.
“This year, we’re working in partnership with Joe’s Walk For Change,” Abernathy said. “We have re-routed the Equality March to be a mile … and so everyone who participates, their mile will be donated to Joe’s Walk For Change.”
Abernathy said Joe’s Walk For Change is a charity established by a father whose son committed suicide as a result of being bullied about his sexuality.
“Joe wanted to walk across the country to bring awareness,” Abernathy said. “So people [can donate] miles in their honor [at The Equality March].”
Abernathy said the Greater Ozarks Pridefest has progressed from being a park event to taking up an entire street in downtown Springfield for the Equality March.
“We’re really excited to [have built] the Greater Ozarks Pridefest to where it is now,” Abernathy said. “It went from just a one-day event … to a weeklong celebration.”
Abernathy said The Greater Ozarks Pridefest 2014 wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of the many volunteers and committee members who contribute their time and energy.
“We would not be here without our committee members and volunteers,” Abernathy said. “We’re all volunteer based — none of us get paid to do this.”
“Organizing pride … is definitely a collaborative effort.”
Abernathy said his favorite part about the Greater Ozarks Pridefest is seeing the community members come together for a common cause.
“For me, seeing the mass of people gathering in solidarity for support and love in celebration of our differences … is phenomenal.”
For more information about The Greater Ozarks Pridefest 2014, call the GLO Center at (417)-869-3978 or visit www.glocenter.org. To contact Abernathy, email him at charles@glocenter.org.
by Siali Siaosi, Journalism Intern
The Gayly – June 11, 2014 @ 11:30am