Stepping out on faith in NW Arkansas

by Roy Lenington
Guest Submission
The congregation of Spirit of Peace Church in Fayetteville has decided to “step out” on faith and move our services to a new location. It will be the first time in the church’s history that we will have a worship/meeting space of our own. We have enjoyed the use of the UCM sanctuary and fellowship hall for over 20 years. Rev. Mark Williams, Senior Pastor, has challenged all of us and we have accepted the challenge to journey forward.
“We are looking forward to making good use of our new space and offering more programs for our congregation and community,” said church leadership. “The new facility is in a great location and has lots of parking along with being handicap accessible.”
The church has just received certification from the state and CDC to be a HIV testing site. We currently have two trained HIV counselors/testers and are performing tests through NWA Hope.
“We are in the process of obtaining items for our new home. A piano, microwave, trash can and a sink have already been donated. The church is going to purchase matching chairs for our multiple purpose worship/meeting area. We still need some items such as coffee pots, banquet tables, a large toaster oven, a pulpit and altar, a refrigerator, small work desk, an entry rug and table and other items.”
Donations are graciously accepted so these items may be purchased.
The new location for Spirit of Peace is 93 W. Colt Square, Suite 1, Fayetteville. Mailing address and phone number will remain the same. Call (479) 595-6161.
Spirit of Peace Church moved to our new location in October. They welcome all to their services and programs.
Visit our Facebook page: Spirit of Peace NWA, for more information and future events.
Copyright 2016 The Gayly – November 4, 2016 @ 11:40 a.m.