Surprise! Conservatives claim hurricane as God’s judgement

Following the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, conservative and Christian leaders are claiming the disaster was God’s response to the city’s pro-LGBT+ stance.
Kevin Swanson, an anti-LGBT+ pastor, has said “Jesus sends the message home, unless Americans repent, unless Houston repents, unless New Orleans repents, they will all likewise perish,” according to Swanson’s radio program. “That is the message that the Lord Jesus Christ is sending home right now to America.”
Swanson continues to allege Houston’s former Lesbian mayor, persecution of churches and Texas’s inability to pass transgender restrictive bathroom bills as reasons for God’s wrath.
Adding to these allegations is conservative politician, Ann Coulter.
In a recent tweet, Coulter said, “I don’t believe Hurricane Harvey is God’s punishment for Houston electing a lesbian mayor. But that is more credible than ‘climate change.’”
Coulter’s claims should come as no surprise however.
During the U.S.’s marriage equality push, Coulter came out stating that“gay marriage is not a civil right.” Additionally, Coulter has stated that sexually active gay men should “feel guilty about it.”
Of course, Coulter’s main audience happens to be conservative, heterosexual and white men.
Ultimately, the decision to decide why one thinks the hurricane occurred is a personal choice as U.S. citizens have the right to choose their beliefs (as long as they don’t harm anyone).
Nevertheless, propagating that LGBT+ individuals are responsible for natural disasters instead of climate change seems to be detrimental.
Copyright The Gayly – 8/31/2017 4:12 p.m. CST