Tongue-in-cheek response to Evangelism: After School Satan
by Sarah Boone
Op.- Ed.
Do you want to educate your children while also fighting Evangelism in schools? Well have no fear, After School Satan is here!
Satanism is not the worship of Satan. Satanism is a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs based on the character of Satan. The Church of Satan - which is a different organization than The Satanic Temple, who founded After School Satan - claims "Satan to us is a symbol of pride, liberty and individualism, and it serves as an external metaphorical projection of our highest personal potential. We [Satanists] do not believe in Satan as a being or person."
According to their website, “After School Satan Clubs are operated by local chapters of The Satanic Temple by volunteer members who have been vetted by the Executive Ministry for professionalism, social responsibility, superior communication skills and lack of criminal history.”
Because of the Supreme Court ruling on the case of Good News Club v. Milford Central Schools, the AfterSchoolSatan club cannot be denied the right to assemble wherever any other religious clubs operate.
Their website also states that the clubs “will focus on free inquiry and rationalism, the scientific basis for which we [The Satanic Temple] know what we know about the world around us. We prefer to give children an appreciation of the natural wonders surrounding them, not a fear of everlasting other-worldly horrors.”
In addition to the above, the clubs will also “incorporate games, projects, and thinking exercises that help children understand how we know what we know about our world and our universe.”
The after-school program has received tons of feedback, both good and...not so good. Many people are responding to the program by claiming that “corrupting the youth" is the Satanic Temple’s way of “getting back” at Evangelicals.
In the "FAQ" section of the AfterSchoolSatan website, the question of keeping religion out of schools is addressed. Their response is yes. They believe religion should be kept out of schools.
“But the worst case scenario, when religion is allowed in the schools, is an environment in which one religious voice enjoys the exclusive benefit of delivering its teachings to the children, promoting the understanding that their religion is endorsed by the school, or otherwise has special privilege within their community.
“The Satanic Temple does not advocate for religion in schools. However, once religion invades schools, as The Good News Clubs [Evangelical after-school programs] have, The Satanic Temple will fight to ensure that plurality and true religious liberty are respected."
Their website also states to find a club in your children’s school, to go to the "Find a Club" page via their website. Beneath that, it also explains how to start a club in your school district if there is not one available.
Their “Corrections” tab on their website also provides “corrections to inevitable false claims about their after school program,” which is worth the read.
If you would like to financially help the organization, you have the option to donate. As of today, they are 37 percent funded of their goal of $40,000.
The values of Satanism are values of equality. It is unfortunate that some people will be unwilling to send their children to an informative, interactive, and educational program just because the word “Satan” is attached to it. Then again, we do live in America, and as Americans, we have every right to accept or deny things that come our way; just like how some people deny we are not a Christian country.
A video advertisement for the school can be seen above.
The Gayly - 8/4/2016 @ 4:01 p.m. CDT