Transgender girl opens trans house across from Westboro Baptist Church

by Sarah Boone
Journalism Intern
In Topeka, Kansas, an eight-year-old transgender girl, Avery Jackson, decided she wanted to create a house that would act as a safe place for transgender people. Where is this house located? It is right across the street from the Topeka Westboro Baptist Church.
Avery decided to join forces with Planting Peace, an LGBT equality charity, to create this center for transgender people. She went to a Planting Peace LGBT center, the Equality House, and was inspired.
The Equality House is painted the colors of the rainbow, like the LGBT flag, and is painted white, pink and blue, like the transgender flag, one week out of the year. Avery wanted there to be a house specifically for transgender people that would be painted like their flag, regardless of the time of year.
A New York City developer, Martin Dunn, funded Avery’s $70,000 project after he read an article about it on The Daily News.
“The idea was to create something that was a very visible symbol of acceptance and pride,” Dunn told The News. “The idea that it would be across from a hate group was also really appealing.”
Avery explained, "I was worried that having a transgender house was just a dream, but now it's finally real. I love the transgender flag. It's beautiful and makes me smile. I'm happy that we will have a house painted like the flag to show that transgender people are beautiful and will make them smile."
Avery’s house is located next to the Equality House, so now the people of Westboro have to look at a rainbow house and a house with the trans colors!
Aaron Jackson, the president of Planting Peace, said, “We need to fight for the right for all people to live freely and love freely without fear.”
The Gayly - 7/1/2016 @ 2:12 p.m. CDT