Transgender man files restroom complaint against library

SEATTLE (AP) — A transgender man has filed a complaint with the Seattle Office for Civil Rights against the Seattle Public Library for refusing to let him to use the only private restroom in its downtown building.
The Seattle Times reports ( ) Ryan "Comet" Alley filed the complaint Monday over the refusal involving a bathroom reserved for families.
Alley refused to stop filming the encounter Wednesday with a library security officer, who asked him to leave.
The city's all-gender restroom ordinance passed last year requires any single-stall restroom in a public place to be accessible to all people regardless of gender identity.
Library spokeswoman Andra Addison says the restrooms are gender-neutral but the restroom in question was off-limits because he didn't have a child with him.
Addison says the library will open staff restrooms for people until a new option for transgender patrons opens next year.
Information from: The Seattle Times,
Copyright 2017 The Gayly - 6/13/2017 @ 9:08 a.m. CDT