Transgender rights banner unfurled at World Series in Los Angeles

Los Angeles transgender activists Maria Roman and Bamby Salcedo scored a goal for trans rights Sunday night at the fifth game of the World Series. The two have been activists and leaders of the trans community for more than 20 years, according to a Twitter post.

The banner, a huge trans rights flag with the words “Trans People Deserve To Live” on it was a response to President Trump’s ongoing efforts to erase transgender people and their community.
Roman said in a Twitter post, “My entire life has been about fighting a system that was created to exclude me..Today I claim my space in this society. I will never be earased, The fight continues behind marriage equality... My People will not be Erased"
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The pair are members of Translatin@ Coalition, a nationwide organization that fights for the rights of transgender Labtinx people and is based in Los Angeles. Salcedo is President and CEO of the organization.
The organizations website highlights Salcedo’s history of activism, saying, “Her remarkable and wide-ranging activist work has brought voice and visibility to not only the trans community, but also to the multiple overlapping communities and issues that her life has touched including migration, HIV, youth, LGBT, incarceration and Latin@ communities. Through her instinctive leadership, she has birthed several organizations that created community where there was none, and advocate for the rights, dignity, and humanity for those who have been without a voice.”
Roman chairs the organization’s board of directors.
The banner was only up for a few minutes before security intervened and escorted Salcedo and Roman from the stadium.
Salcedo said in a Facebook post, “I just want to Express my most deepest gratitude to my dear friends and comrades Barbara Jacobs, Joel Garcia, Maria Roman, Michae Pulido, Kenneth Lopez, Diana Feliz Oliva, and all the beautiful people who supports the work that we do. THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. Tonight was #Epic We showed our #TransLatinaPower.”
Copyright The Gayly – October 29, 2018 @ 4 p.m. CDT.