Trump's America becoming more unbearable

Lately members of the transgender community have dealt with equal policy reform from the Trump administration.
From allowing employers to fire someone because of their gender identity to forcing one out of the military, the community has faced many challenges.
Since the leak from the New York Times of how the Department of Health and Human Services will now “define” gender, the Trans Lifeline, a crisis hotline for people in the community, has seen a quadruple increase in its calls.
Trans Lifeline, according to Queerty, is an organization staffed by transgender people and is dedicated to helping people share their voice and protect their rights.
The memo displayed plans that would base gender on what genitalia a person was born with and essentially end transgender identity.
“At Trans Lifeline we are able see in real time that policy debates don’t take place in a vacuum — they have direct and immediate impacts on real lives,” Trans Lifeline Executive Director Sam Ames told Teen Vogue.
“Since the HHS memo was leaked, the number of calls to our crisis hotline has more than quadrupled, doubling the number of new callers who have never needed to access our services before. This is bad news, but it isn’t new news.”
With November being both a time for citizens to vote and Transgender Awareness Month, there seems to be some light at the end of this political tunnel.
The Trans Lifeline number is 1-877-565-8860 for help or more information.
Copyright The Gayly. 10/30/2018 @ 3:30 p.m. CST.