Unregulated "Conversion Therapy" could become Oklahoma Law

Carden Crow shares a tragic, personal story about conversion therapy at the Oklahoma Capitol today, condemning Rep. Sally Kern’s HB 1598. Photo by Robin Dorner.

Professional Medical Organizations join Freedom Oklahoma in condemning Rep. Sally Kern’s Pro-Child Abuse Bill

by Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief

Oklahoma City – Despite Oklahoma facing a $611 million budget deficit and the state being 48th in the nation in education, the Oklahoma Legislature still finds anti-LGBT issues more important to discuss before their committees.

HB 1598, a bill promoting "conversion therapy," is scheduled to be heard in committee tomorrow. This is the bill that prohibits state oversight and regulation of the practice of so-called 'conversion therapy.'

"These abusive tactics are outside the accepted principles of every major medical, psychological, and sociological professional association in the United States – yet Rep. Sally Kern wants to offer carte blanche protections to child abusers around the state to victimize our youth and prohibit the authorities from intervening," said Troy Stevenson, Executive Director of Freedom Oklahoma in a release today.

"This abuse of the term therapy, and this is abuse in no uncertain terms. To prohibit oversight and review of an already controversial and dangerous practice threatens the lives of Oklahoma youth. We have a duty to protect young people, and should never be in the business of creating new avenues for victimization.

"To be clear, this bill protects the child abuser, rather than the child."

The bill is scheduled to be heard in the Children, Youth, and Family Services Committee – chaired by bill author, Sally Kern.

State and national professional organizations from the fields of social work, nurses association, psychology, and medicine have joined with Freedom Oklahoma as have the ACLU of Oklahoma, The National Center for Lesbian Rights, and the Human Rights Campaign.

These groups stand in solidarity condemning Kern’s HB 1598 and many have provided in-person and written testimony to the Committee.

"We are trying to make this topic clear. They are prohibiting the state to regulate this practice. Proven evidence therapies are approved, but this [conversion therapy] has none. They can use this therapy without consequences,” added Stevenson in today’s press conference at the Oklahoma Capitol.

"It’s unprecedented because it is dangerous," said Ryan Keisel, Executive Director of the Oklahoma ACLU. Keisel called not removing this bill "insane," due to the abuse factor for youth. He further stated the ACLU will fight this if the bill becomes law.

Carden Crow of Tahlequah shared her personal and moving story about conversion therapy.

"I knew something was wrong with me when I was three years old," she said. "I came out at a very young age because I wanted 'help.' I went through this therapy twice and an exorcism.”

However, conversion therapy failed her "miserably." She said she felt so terrible about being gay, she attempted suicide by stabbing her genitals.

"If it takes me telling my story to stop an eight year old from hugging their bible and thinking they are ‘wrong,’ then that's what I'm here for," added Crow.

Stevenson stated further that these procedures will allow procedures such as ECT (Electroconvulsive Therapy), harming the children it is intended for. "There is no 'handbook' on this therapy, so people are just doing whatever they want. This is not an accepted form of therapy and it should not be allowed."

Dr. Maria Rubino-Watkins of Psychological Services Assessment and Therapy said, "Studies have been done proving this therapy has not been proven to be effective as well as causing idiopathic physical and mental harm." Watkins is a therapist from Edmond who has her Ph.D and practices in Oklahoma as a Licensed Psychologist.

“Several states have embarked on banning conversion therapies because of the harmful – and often brutal and inhumane – tactics utilized,” said Mary Jo Kinzie, Executive Director, Oklahoma Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. “Members of NASW-OK are especially concerned with this bill because it targets those under 18, and prohibits administrative oversight to protect the public.”

Today, in a statement to the press, The Young Democrats of Oklahoma stated they, "stand against House Bill 1598, Representative Kern’s “Freedom to Obtain Conversion Therapy Act.'" 

Stevenson said the therapy is currently allowed "underground" and oversight is prohibited, but now will be "hang a shingle" for all to see. He added that most of the national organizations supporting the removal of the practice of conversion therapy have done so due to the questionability of the therapy.

Legislators on the committee, as of today, has been visited by therapists, social workers, nurses, members of the LGBTQQIA community at large and Stevenson reminded the public, "If they [legislators] vote for it, they will do so with a full understanding of this bill having heard from physicians, therapist, counselors and the general public."

Freedom Oklahoma is Oklahoma's statewide LGBT advocacy organization, and a proud member of the Equality Federation. FreedomOklahoma is the unified organization resulting from the merger of The Equality Network, a 501 (c) (4) organization that lobbies for pro-equality legislation and public policies; and the Cimarron Alliance Foundation, a 501 (c) (3) organization that engaged in public education in support of the LGBT community.

FROM THE MAYO CLINIC - ECT definition: Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a procedure in which electric currents are passed through the brain, intentionally triggering a brief seizure. ECT seems to cause changes in brain chemistry that can quickly reverse symptoms of certain mental illnesses.

Published, The Gayly @11:30, 02/23/2015


A link to the bill can be found here:

From the National Center for Lesbian Rights:

l can be A report from a study on coversion therapy:

l can be A link to Huff Post report on Oklahoma bill: