UPDATE: “She missed her moment” when cops crashed the pageant
By Robin Dorner
Editor in Chief
In a story we brought you yesterday, August 6th, “She missed her moment” when cops crashed the pageant, two people were quoted as saying Renee Hilton & Ry’Lee Hilton left the Miss Gay Oklahoma America (MGOA) pageant before the finale.
Gizele Monáe added to the story saying, “While we don’t have any proof Renee was involved, when Shanel [Sterling] was crowned, who was not there then? Riley and Renee [Hilton].”
Pariis Nycole Davenport said, “I was competing in the pageant. Renee & Ry’lee were hosting and were there throughout the evening,” said Davenport. “Strangely, they disappeared at the end of the night during crowning pictures.”
These quotes have been proven untrue. Our readers have sent The Gayly multiple copies of the finale photo, and both Hilton’s were present in these photos.
We asked both Gizele Monáe and Pariis Nycole Davenport why they said the two queens were not in attendance.
“The photo without them has been circulating for over a week,” said Monáe.
“My sincerest apologies for my false statement this weekend. It was unbeknownst to me the two were, in fact, present during the photo with the formers. The only photo I had ever seen circulating was the photo with them cropped out.
“Who actually cropped the photo is also unbeknownst to me. I honor honesty and integrity and had I known they were indeed in the photo, beyond everything else that has happened, I would never have said such a thing. Again, my sincerest apology for presenting The Gayly with this information that was indeed, false.”
Davenport said in response, “Well as I stated they weren’t seen at the end of the night. I didn’t see them, several others seen them ‘missing in action’ as well. When you pack your things as fastly as you do cause you apart of the drama, it’s the normal thing to do.”
These updated statements do not change the fact of who made the original call to police. It is still officially unknown who called MGOA and who called the police the night Brooks was arrested at the pageant.
Copyright The Gayly 8/7/2018 @ 4:35 p.m. CST.